Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, due today.....

Assignment: Preparation for
an Oral Presentation

Description of Exercise:
Tips on how to communicate your experience with the Student Learning Portfolio to a larger audience
·         To summarize and express orally what you have learned about possible specializations in your career area
·         To share qualities of your experience in doing the research and writing for the essays of the Portfolio
·         To listen to others describe their experience with the portfolio
Related content in the Tracking Calendar:
Oral Presentations
Outcome 11
Assignment name:

The Oral Presentation is DUE in class on the following date:

Monday Aug. 2 second half of class or earlier if you are ready;


We spent a good part of the term in writing about our career-related research, and crediting our sources. In the workplace managers frequently call on employees to report orally about their experience and results of their work on projects. The oral presentation in this course is an opportunity to address all of your class in a respectful manner. Describe both positive and negative aspects of your developing and practicing research skills in the course, and the major outcome known as a “student learning portfolio.” You may summarize briefly the content of your Portfolio, but do not read the essays.

 You need to make brief notes about what to say in front of others. Acknowledge the presence of your classmates by looking at them during your presentation. Glance at your notes only for transitions from one topic to another. The rest of us (who are awaiting our turn to present, or after our presentation) will listen. Un-critical questions and comments for the speaker after her/his presentation are appropriate.

You will earn the five points of credit by providing a presentation with sincerity, and listening to others in a respectful manner. Speak with enough volume and clarity that we can follow you.  Participation credit for the lab in which the Orals are presented is awarded to those students who are in class to listen to all of their peers’ presentations.

Guidelines for Orals

·         The instructor will call randomly. Use approximately five minutes.

·         Project your voice and attention so that your classmates and instructor can hear you.

·         You should use notes to remember key things about which you want to talk.

·         You may ask for questions or comments at the end of your presentation.

·         Summarize your learning about research skills and sources, and about communicating the outcome of that research in the large portfolio project. You can mention some resources and skills in Information Literacy that you found useful even though they are not used for the portfolio.

·         Here are some of the things you should talk about –

o    Explain your interest in a career specialization. Maybe you have changed your mind about your career direction after reflection and research -- that can be a good outcome, too. Why?

o    Comment about your learning in doing the research. Which resources, search techniques, or writing practices do you prefer? Why?

o    Share some of your self-assessment for the Portfolio. But do not read it to us. TELL us.

o    Describe BOTH positive and negative aspects of your experience in doing the research and the writing.

o    Identify any learning during COMM150, which you can use in other courses and into a job.