Monday, October 18, 2010

Checklist for the Narrative Essay

Checklist for the Narrative Essay
In Research Strategies, see pp.152 – 154, & 168 for help with citations and References.
In B&S College APA Style Guide (pdf version), see pp. 3 – 6 for basic rules, p. 10 for articles from databases, and pp. 19 – 24 for a sample essay.
Bring textbooks to class as an aide for a quiz question.
Assignment name:

Due Date for the Narrative Essay is
6 PM FRIDAY, October 22, 2010

Use  this checklist to improve your  score on the essay. Look also at the rubric from last week for evaluating the essay. (The rubric is on the course Web page and in the COMM150 folder on the data-file drive of the campus network, as well as the BLOG.)

Checklist for the Narrative Essay

My check
To do in the Narrative Essay:

Each sheet has a running head in the upper Left corner, and a page number in the upper Right corner. The title page contains the information, which is similar to the illustrated title page on page 5 of the handout. I repeated  the essay’s title at the top of page two, which follows the title page.

The margins are 1 inch, all lines are double-spaced, including the space between sections. The font is Times Roman (the instructor accepts Arial font, too). The font size is 12. The essay, including the title page and the page with References, is 5 – 6 pages long.

Headings -- I used boldface, centered, primary section headings in order to organize and focus my paragraphs. The essay includes a short Introduction and Conclusion. I use boldface, secondary section headings, along the Left margin to identify further the topic of the paragraphs.

1st section of the essay has a primary heading, such as -- Two Specializations.
     I explain why I am interested in 2 possible career specializations by discussing topics like the following ones -- Why do I choose these two specializations rather than other possibilities? How did I become interested in the two possible jobs? Why does it matter which specialization I select? Why are professionals in my preferred careers important for society?

2nd section of the essay has a primary heading, such as -- Two Important Competencies
    I provide my own reasons for selecting two workplace competencies as most important for the two jobs in which I am most interested. 
    I summarize also the ideas of authors of two articles from trade magazines or peer-reviewed journals in regard to the exercise of two workplace competencies. (Most articles will not describe the exercise of a competency in exactly your preferred specializations or workplace.) I explain the possible relevance of what the authors say about the competencies to a workplace for which I am training.

I quote no more than 1 sentence per source. I paraphrase remaining content to be taken from an author. In both cases I credit the author.

I use in-text citations in proper APA format at the places in the essay at which I use information from my two sources.

I provide an alphabetical list of at least two References in APA style. The references cite two articles (not book reviews) about the competencies.

I saved my essay in compatibility mode inside the COMM150 folder on my S-drive with a file-name like “Narrative Essay.” I saved the file also to portable storage, if I intend to work on it at home.

I used SmarThinking and I gave the Smarthinking people the grading rubric , I attached my original draft and the feedback from SmarThinking to my final draft.

October 22 Agenda

Hello all you lovely people.

I am driving back like a crazy woman from DC tomorrow, and might be a tad late.
Do not leave, my friends.
I will be there. 
And I am not taking attendance until I get to class.

In the meantime, here is a preview of tomorrow's agenda.

October 22 Agenda
1.       1.  Sign in for attendance

2.       2.  Sign up for Smarthinking NOW- this very minute- if you haven’t already. Remember, you have to have submitted it to Smarthinking, done the corrections, and turn it in to me by FRIDAY this week, or I will not be grading it.   Period.

3.       3.  Email me your assignment from last class- (it is a QUIZ grade- YAY!) You have until 6:55 pm today (Tuesday) to do so. I would so use the rubric listed on the next post.

4.  We are going to spend the rest of class fine-tuning your essays. I am here to help you, but there is only one of me, and beaucoup of you. (look it up.) So help each other. Look at what each other did, and do some “peer–editing” that is- can you help a brotha out?

If your quiz looks this bad, do it again.Your score, is the score I give you. See below.
Quiz Summary. TILT Module 1 : Selecting

# Right
# Wrong



6.Top of Form

7.    Bottom of Form
6.      Email me your quiz score by cutting and pasting the page, or by clicking the 'PRTSC SYSRQ'  key located on the upper right hand portion of the keyboard, then pasting it to an email. (That would be the button you never noticed until now. Don't worry, I never noticed it either.) No email- no score. Got it?

7.        Your Narrative Essay/PAPERS ARE DUE 6 PM FRIDAY, October 22, 2010, and NOT next class.

8. And finally, repeat after me: I will proofread my paper after I finish it, I will proofread my paper after I finish it, I will proofread my paper after I finish it.