Monday, May 10, 2010

homework for May 10, Correct your diagnostic assessment and bring it to class

There could be a quiz, you never know...

The purpose of this diagnostic evaluation is for your instructor to discover what you already know about researching information and what you need to learn about researching information. This evaluation is not graded; therefore, relax and answer the following questions to the best of your ability in the spaces below.

Match each term in Column A with the most appropriate definition in Column B. Examine the definitions in the whole table in order to determine the best match (continued on reverse side in most copies of the Diagnostic).

Column A Column B

__2__RAM 1. interface that incorporates movable windows, icons, and a mouse

__5__Operating System 2. memory that functions as the computer’s primary workspace

__12__Blogs 3. a plug-and-play interface for peripheral devices, such as thumb drives.

__1__GUI 4. web sites in which original content on a topic is edited by visitors to the site with a history of their revisions

__3__USB Port 5. program that manages the computer system

__11__Scholarly Journals

6. a publication with either popular, trade, or peer-reviewed articles from different authors, and issued multiple times a year


7. unacknowledged use of another person’s words or ideas


8. a list of citations of works an author refers to in a text (e.g., journal article or book) or a list of citations to works on a particular subject


9. a wireless network, whose components are inter-operable and comply with a standard regardless of their manufacturer

__9__Wi-Fi 10. a brief summary of the main

ideas of an article


11. a publication with a regular frequency containing

information written by

experts on current research

in a given field


12. online, interactive, and relatively frequent postings of comments on topics of interest to an individual or group


Read the following questions and check the box next to the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is not a searchable field in a library online catalog?

0 a. Subject Heading

0 b. Author

X c. Publisher

0 d. Title

2. Where do you search to find books in a library?

0 a. Reader’s Guide

0 b. ERIC Database

0 c. Yahoo!

X d. Online Public Access Catalog

3. Which of the following is not the correct function of a Boolean operator?

0 a. AND allows you to broaden your search results

0 b. OR allows you to broaden your search results

0 c. NOT allows you to narrow your search results

0 d. AND allows you to narrow your search results

4. The Library of Congress Subject Headings arrange books on the library shelves by:

0 a. Author

0 b. Title

0 c. Year of Publication

0 d. Subject

5. What are two major classification systems used by United States libraries?

0 a. American Library Classification System and Dewey Decimal System

0 b. Dewey Decimal Classification System and Cutter Classification System

0 c. Library of Congress Classification System and American Library

Classification System

0 d. Library of Congress Classification System and Dewey Decimal System

6. When developing a topic for a research paper, it is helpful to state your topic in the form of a question and isolate the key ideas or concepts. A motivational question to ask yourself at the beginning is:

0 a. Who else in my class has chosen the same topic?

0 b. Is there any specific aspect of this topic that I am truly interested in?

0 c. Is there enough material available on the Internet to write a research


0 d. Do I know how to cite my sources?

7. You should evaluate information found on the Internet because:

0 a. The design of the website changes the information contained there

0 b. Internet information goes through the editorial process before being


0 c. Most material published on the Internet has not gone through the

editorial process

0 d. Internet information sources are not acceptable for college level


8. To limit your search results in Internet Web directories and search engines, it is helpful to:

0 a. Put asterisks before each search term

0 b. Put question marks around each search term

0 c. Put asterisks after each search term

0 d. Put quotation marks around the words to search as a phrase

9. The most common way to shorten words to search a database is:

0 a. Right-hand truncation

0 b. Wildcard truncation

0 c. Left-hand truncation

0 d. Straight-card truncation

10. When you perform an author search in a library catalog, which do you type first?

0 a. Author’s last name

0 b. Author’s first name

0 c. Author’s salutation

0 d. Title of book

11. The best way to start to research a relatively unfamiliar topic is to acquire an overview of your topic by:

0 a. Finding a bibliography

0 b. Entering a keyword for your topic in one of the general Internet search

engines     Either of these are correct!!!

0 c. Consulting an encyclopedia

0 d. Examining a chronology

12. An unabridged dictionary:

0 a. Contains all of the most common words in a language

0 b. Contains only the words appropriate to a specific field

0 c. Contains all the officially recognized words in a language

0 d. Contains only alternate meanings of words

13. Thesauri list:

0 a. Word homonyms

0 b. Word synonyms

0 c. Etymologies

0 d. How a word has been used through the centuries

14. Three major Boolean operators are:

0 a. and, or, not

0 b. If, When, Then

0 c. AND, OR, NOT

0 d. +, /, -

15. The purpose of copyright law is:

0 a. To encourage the development of knowledge through limited rights for

authors, artists, and inventors

0 b. To provide legal protection of human rights

0 c. To make sure each copy of a work is paid for in full

0 d. To prescribe the proper method for citing and crediting sources

16. A main disadvantage of Internet searching for research is:

0 a. Many sources are unreliable

0 b. Search engines do not allow for complex search queries

0 c. Web sites have no cross references to other documents

0 d. You cannot use truncation

17. Which of the following is not an essential component of evaluating Web resources?

0 a. Timeliness

0 b. Accuracy

0 c. Format

0 d. Reliability

18. You are writing a research paper on the war in Iraq and need to narrow down your topic. Which of the following subjects is most narrowed down?

0 a. The findings in a report by General Taguba about prisoner abuse that

took place from October to December in 2003 at the Abu Ghraib U.S.

military prison in Iraq

0 b. The condition of the prisoners who are being held in Guantanamo Bay

0 c. Music, poetry, and other cultural expressions that have been generated

In response to the war in Iraq

0 d. The point of view of young people regarding the war in Iraq and how

this may affect the next presidential election

19. You are researching films directed by Alfred Hitchcock. You are not interested in reading about his earlier films, “Champagne” and “Blackmail.” Which of the following would be the most efficient keyword search for researching this topic?

0 a. Alfred AND Hitchcock NOT Champagne

0 b. Alfred Hitchcock WITHOUT Champagne OR Blackmail

0 c. Alfred Hitchcock AND (Vertigo NOT Champagne)

0 d. Alfred Hitchcock NOT (Blackmail OR Champagne)


Indicate whether each statement is True or False.

1. Library catalogs (OPACs) provide immediate and direct access to articles

inside periodicals.

True ( ) False ( X )

2. The APA Style requires the use of both in-text citations and References for most types of sources.

True ( X ) False ( )

3. The Wikipedia is an indisputable source of reliable information.

True ( ) False ( X )

4. Articles in trade magazines are generally peer-reviewed.

True ( ) False ( X )

5. The number of times a Web site has been visited is a good measure of its


True ( ) False ( X )