Monday, June 7, 2010

Want to know what is required for your Portfolio? Here it is (Again!)

Rubric for English & Presentation & Summary Scores for the Whole Portfolio
See the COMM150 Syllabi for the Following Relevant Outcomes: 1, 10
Weight on Each Level of the Rubric = X5


High level ( 2.0, 1.9, 1.8)  X 5 =

a.  English:
·          The Portfolio has a maximum of 4 grammatical errors  (or a max. of 2 major errors) in all three essays of a portfolio. The errors are
counted after revision of the Narrative & Descriptive essays, and the submission of the new Process Essay. The quantity and nature of the errors in spelling and grammar determine the multiplier on the High level.
     Examples of major errors in grammar and writing are: Incomplete sentences, such as the failure to include a subject or a verb in a sentence; lack of agreement between subject/verb, pronoun/referent, or article/noun; a sentence whose awkward construction limits the intended meaning; and very long paragraphs (approx. a page in length), which do not break with a change in focus.
     Examples of minor errors are: Spelling mistakes and “typos”; absence of commas before-and-after subordinate clauses and
                     between independent clauses; unclear referents for a pronoun; run-on sentences with multiple clauses and different ideas insofar
                     as the sentence still communicates meaningfully.
·          The writing in the annotations for the Descriptive Essay is included in the assessment of English. The writing inside each Reference
                and in-text citation is excluded, because students are not expected to re-do their References and citations.
·          The original of all submitted essays (Narrative and/or Descriptive) with the instructor’s marks about writing and grammar is included
     in the portfolio for comparison. And…
b. Fair Use & Plagiarism:
·          The essays observe the COMM150 instructor’s stipulation in regard to how much can be copied literally and/or quoted from a source – a maximum of 1 sentence per source, and 3 items from a list.
·          The essays show no evidence of plagiarism. All pre-marked instances of plagiarism in prior essays are corrected. And…
c. Presentation:
·          The quantity of errors in page formatting in the whole portfolio determine the multipliers used on the High level.
·          A maximum of 3 instances of the following types of page-formatting errors occurs in the essays of the Portfolio. An instance is
     counted only one time per page.
Page format errors include:
                     Lack of double-spacing between lines and between sections and headings; failure to center primary section headings or to left-
                     align secondary section headings; lack of short (running) titles; lack of page numbers; failure to repeat the essay title on the
                     second page of an essay; absence of any of the constituents of a title page, as illustrated in the handouts; lack of a consistent
                     font (Arial or Times Roman, size 11 or 12; regular non-boldface type); lack of a consistent 1 inch margin. and ….
·          All categories (themes) of the assessment form are completed with an honest and meaningful self-appraisal; and …
·          The portfolio has all dividers and tabs properly and neatly labeled to separate the essays. Alternatively neatly typed dividers
     separate the essays, and they are distinguishable from regular pages of the essays. The labels or essay titles on dividers are
     spelled correctly. And …
·          The original copies of Narrative & Descriptive essays (whether the essays were submitted on-time or in the late period), with the
     errors marked by the instructor, are included with the revised versions. And …
·          The student participated in all Labs for the essays by consulting with the instructor about each essay, and by showing willingness to
                 have her/his work checked for completeness; And …
·          No late submissions of any of the three essays
·          All essays were submitted to SMARTHINKING

Mid-High level (1.7, 1.6)  X 5 =

a. English:
·          The Portfolio has a maximum of 5 errors overall (or a max. of 3 major errors)  and no more than 3 errors of any kind (major or
     minor) per essay, including the new Process Essay. The quantity and nature of the grammatical errors determine the multiplier used
     on this level, as explained on the High level. Or…
·          Original copies of earlier essays (submitted on time or in the late period) are included in the portfolio for comparison with copies in
     which the writing is revised.  
·          The writing in the annotations for the Descriptive Essay is included in the assessment of English. The writing inside each Reference
                 and in-text citation is excluded, because students are not expected to re-do their References and citations. Or …
b. Fair Use & Plagiarism:
·           An essay quotes and/or copies as many as 2 sentences (or long phrases) from a particular source, contrary to the Fair Use
     requirement set by the instructor for a max. of 1 sentence per source, will cause the portfolio to perform no higher than the Mid-high
     level. Or the essay copies more than one time as many as 4 phrases from a list of items in a source.
·          An essay fails to revise one previously marked instance of plagiarism cannot score higher than the Mid-high level.
c. Presentation:
·          The portfolio shows: A missing labeled divider or cover page; labeled dividers or a cover page with incorrect spelling; or labels or cover pages, which are written less neatly than portfolios evaluated on the High level; or an essay is out of order; or the binder is not clean and neat. Or ...
·          Errors in page formatting in the whole portfolio are 4 instances (an instance of a format error is counted only once per page); Or
·          The original copy of a previously submitted Descriptive or Narrative essay is missing from the portfolio; Or …
·          A maximum of 1 performance category in the self-assessment is incomplete; Or ...
·          One late submission of an essay
·          All essays were submitted to SMARTHINKING

Low-Mid level (1.5, 1.4)  X 5 =

a. English:
·            The Portfolio has a maximum of 6 errors overall (or a max. of 4 major errors), and no more than 4 errors of any kind per essay, including the new Process Essay. The quantity and nature of the grammatical errors determine the multiplier used on this level.
·          The writing in the annotations for the Descriptive Essay is included in the assessment of English. The writing inside each Reference and in-text citation is excluded, because students are not expected to re-do their References and citations. Or…
·          Original copies of Narrative or Descriptive essays with the instructor’s original marks are not included in the portfolio for comparison.
b. Fair Use & Plagiarism:
·          An essay quotes or copies literally 3 sentences (or long phrases) from a single article or a Web page, contrary to the instructor’s stipulated maximum of 1 sentence per source, will cause the portfolio to score no higher than the Low-mid level. Or…
·          Altogether the essays fail in two instances to correct prior marked plagiarism through the omission of quotes for copied sentences causes the portfolio to perform no higher than the Low-mid level. Or…
c. Presentation:
·          The portfolio’s overall professional appearance is more diminished than portfolios submitted on the High and Mid-high levels. For
                example: Two or more labeled dividers or cover pages are missing; or essays are not fixed securely inside a binder. Or  ...
·          Errors in page formatting in the whole portfolio are 5 - 6  instances (counted once per page); Or …
·          Original copies of two previously scored essays are missing; Or ...
·          Two late submissions; or failure to provide one of the essays in the late period.
·          All essays were submitted to SMARTHINKING

Low level (1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0)  X 5 =

a. English:
·          The Portfolio shows 7 or more errors overall (or 5 or more major errors), and more than 4 errors of any kind per essay. The
     quantity of errors determines the multiplier on this level.  Or…
·          Several sentences in the Portfolio fail to communicate an intended meaning due to the severity of the errors in grammar/writing. Or..
·          The writing in the annotations for the Descriptive Essay is included in the assessment of English. The writing inside each Reference
      and in-text citation is excluded, because students are not expected to re-do their References and citations.
·           Regardless of the quality of the writing in the submitted work, an inadequate sample of essay-writing (only several complete pages overall in the portfolio) was submitted by the due date or in the late period. Or …
b. Fair Use & Plagiarism:
·          An essay that quotes or copies literally 4 or more sentences from a particular source (from a single article, or single Web site), contrary to the Fair Use requirement specified by the instructor for each essay (max. of 1 sentence per source), will cause the portfolio to score no higher than the Low level. If the essay copies 6 phrases from a list of items in a source, then the portfolio cannot score higher than the Low level.
·          The essays show evidence of repeated plagiarism or failure to comply with Fair Use by failing to quote more than 3 times a phrase or sentence taken from a source; Or…
c. Presentation:
·          The portfolio’s overall appearance has a pre-college and non-professional quality. Two or more of the following types of mistakes
                 in organizing content in the portfolio are exhibited: Illegible labels, incorrect spelling on multiple labels, lack of dividers or cover
                 pages for the essays, or absence of a binder. Or...
·          Errors in page formatting in the whole portfolio are more than 6 instances; Or … 
·          No self-assessment is attempted. Or…
·          Three late submissions, or failure to provide two of the three essays.
·          All essays were submitted to SMARTHINKING