Monday, June 14, 2010

Finding career Web sites --

Find career Web sites --

Open an electronic version of the current handout in order to use the hyperlinks in the box on this page. You may remember from an activity on an earlier handout that you can find the electronic handouts in either of two places --

o    From the campus network:
Click the “My Computer” icon and find the COMM150 folder among the course-folders on the data-file drive. After opening the COMM150 folder, click on the folder with the current week, Week 2. Look for the file with the name, “wk2_table_careers,” and open the file for the current handout.
o    From the course Web page:
Click the desktop shortcut, which you may have created earlier for the COMM150 Web page. Go to the drop-down box for “Activities & Assignments.” Drop-down the files until you find the current handout, “wk2_table_careers.” Click the small Go-button.

When you have opened an electronic version of the current handout, go to the current page 3 and view the following links to several Web sites. Visit the sites by clicking on the hyperlinked addresses. The state’s Job Bank will identify current and local jobs in your career area. O*net Online and the Occupational Outlook Handbook identify specializations in your area, the requisite skills, and other job characteristics.

Each site will have a different method of searching with a keyword for a job –

·                              *  The most authoritative and widely used site is the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Here is how to start your search in the OOH –
·                                  Drop-down the Search-menu and select “Occupational Outlook Handbook” rather than search “All”  Top of Form
·                                     Then type a keyword for a job in the next box after “for:”        

 In Virginia Career View, click on “Career Search” on the Left below the large  photo of students.
     *  In CareerOneStop you will be more successful by using the Menu Search. For example: If you click on “Healthcare Support,” you 
        will see an occupational profile for Medical Assistants.
     *  In the JobBank site enter a keyword for your job search and specify the state.

In the search boxes try synonyms. These are alternative words with a similar meaning. Here are some examples of synonyms or related terms --

“Health” may be substituted for “Medical Assistance”; “Legal Assistance” may replace “Paralegal”; “Personnel Management” and “Human Services” are alternatives for “Human Resources”; and “Computers” may be used instead of “Information Technology.”

Step 3:
Input data (information) into your table about Web sites in your career area –

Type the name of at least two Web sites, which you visit, into the left column of your table. Do not copy merely the Web address (URL) in the column for “Name of Web Site.” Type the names of at least three jobs for which you find descriptions in the right column of your table, opposite the name of the Web site on which the jobs are described. View the sample table on page 2.

With practice you can develop efficiency with the technique of copy-and-paste from a window for a Web site into another window with your document in Word. You may need practice also in using the minimize-button to send a window or document to the tray at the bottom of the screen, while you keep open another window in which you are working.

If you have some difficulty with copy-and-paste, try these steps by dragging over text from Right to Left –

§ Place your cursor just after the last letter of the phrase, which you want to copy. Then hold down the Left button of    
    the mouse as you drag forward slowly over the first letter of the phrase to be copied.
§ Right click on your mouse at the end of dragging and highlighting the text you intend to use. Select Copy from the
      pop-out menu.
§ Open your Word document from the bottom tray of your window.
§ Place your cursor in the appropriate cell of your table, and right-click the mouse.
§ Select Paste from the pop-out menu.
§ When you see a little clipboard appear over the just-pasted text, click the icon for a clipboard. Select the option for
      “Keep text only” so that the pasted text acquires the format, which you are using in your document.
§ Remember to save your file repeatedly.