July 12 agenda
1. Sign in
2. Reminder: Portfolio Day is REQUIRED and worth 10points.
Review Hand out: How your Grade is determined. (Missing quizzes? It is probably killing your grade. Come see me at break for a quick makeup grade so at least you can pick up one of them.)
3. Check for completion of take home plagiarism/fair use assignment
p58 comic book
4. Hand back essays.
5. YOU SO OWE ME: If your grade is lower than an 80, and would like to do so, you may resubmit your revised work for a possible increase in your grade. They must be turned in by THURSDAY, July 15th at midnight- otherwise I will not have time to look at them.
6. Complete essay improvement hand out together.
8. Your next essay is due at the end of the class on July 26th, along with your portfolio.
The essay is about:
• Describe the ethical dimensions of doing research.
• Explain how to avoid plagiarism by using citations and References;
• Summarize the purpose of U.S. Copyright Law, and the five legal rights provided to authors/artists;
• Explain how you would follow each of the Fair Use Guidelines with examples of fair and unfair uses.
• Cite a source relevant to crediting sources, to copyright, or to Fair Use. Provide the in-text citation and Reference for the source. Use a source, which does not appear in your handouts or in an earlier essay.
• Use Smart thinking
9. Review Process essay hand out.
10. Getting ready for the Portfolio- For our next class:
Buy a binder and tabs.( The best binder is a thin three-ring notebook, with tabs.)
Make sure all of your paper’s revisions are done.
Homework: Take home quiz (glossary) HINT: this may re-appear on your final exam.
Buy a binder and tabs.( The best binder is a thin three-ring notebook, with tabs.)
Make sure all of your paper’s revisions are done!! Turn in any revisions for review.
****If it were me, I would SO start a rough draft of the next paper.**************