Don’t panic.
Some people got NO grade. Comments: “Come talk to me-“ we are going to go through this today. Grade of 50 – missing enough items to grade at all, or other issues.
1. Smartthinking- Some people still have not turned it in for their 1st essay even though they did it. Make sure that you do.
You have to look at what SM tells you to do. That’s the whole point. Just submitting it and handing it in won’t work and won’t count. However- SM are not the final authority. Ex: if you turn in a paper to them without annotations, they will not know that they are required. They won’t tell you to do them. You should submit the requirements (rubric) to them with your paper to make sure you get everything looked at.
2. How to center a cover page:
3. When you write in your own words- you are awesome. When you try to use others words, your writing and your grade go in the-you-know-where. Your papers should be 90% YOUR words and thoughts, with only 1, ONE, - that’s ONE line of a quotation to support you. The rubric says, “The student limits quotes or copied sentences from each site to one sentence.”
4. Proofread : Almost no one did. Spell check will NOT pick up all errors. It can really lower your grade. In the rubric it said, “An essay in which several sentences (3-4) on each page are difficult to comprehend due to their weak grammar and awkward construction cannot score above the Low level.”
Example 1: Knowing your clients social perceptiveness simply understands why they decide to respond in the matter they do. _______________________________________________
5. Filler and using “you.” No talking to the reader.
Example : In the conclusion of this essay I would like to extend my gratitude to you, the reader, for taking time out of your day to read all the information that was put out to you concerning…I hope something that was said affected you in a good way.
6. Left margins, "talking to the reader", filler, not proof-reading:
I had to choose four out of the six characteristics and just talk about them for the job of a ------. I chose Duties, Skills-Training, Continuing- education, Opportunities for Advancement, and Earnings. With help from the articles we had to found out our information, it helped me out a lot. Then we had to use annotations for the references and where we got them from. So hope you enjoy my paper.
7. Using lists that go on forever: the rubric says, “ The student limits quotes or copied sentences from each site to one sentence. The student quotes no more than three items from a list of items, which a web page describes in phrases.”
8. Cutting and pasting. It doesn’t work because: a) I can spot it a mile away. b) it’s plagiarism and c) it commonly makes no sense:
Example: Some other skills you must possess understanding written sentences and understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem solving and decision making (Summary Report for ----------Technicians, 2009) Huh?
Just like any other career there are many occupational characteristics that you may want when looking for a position. Which means?
9. This person inserted a chart- what a great idea!
but read on:
Example: A lab technician earns about $51,480 per year or $24.75 per hour (Occupational Employment Statistics, 2009). In 2008 there were about 13,000 employed as a Technician (Summary Report for Technicians, 2009). The projected growth for new employees between the years 2008-2018 is much faster than average, about 20% or higher (Summary Report for Technicians, 2009). About 8,000 more jobs may open up also the for lab technicians between the years 2008-2018 (Summary Report for Technicians, 2009). Way too much information. Just tell us what we need to know.
10. Citations: You cannot just print the page and attach it. You have to write actual citations.
11. Annotations: Moist of you did very well considering we had a short class to learn them.
Here are two good ones:
Example 1: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2009, December 17). -----s.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 Edition, Retrieved from
The BLS describes all the aspects of a career as a ------ in great detail. The site is authoritative because it is a product of the government. The BLS has nothing to gain from writing this site. The coverage of the topic is extremely broad and accurate. Every aspect of a ----‘s job is listed including the bad.
Example 2: Career One Stop. (2010). Occupation Profile – --------s: Virginia, Retrieved from
Career One Stop describes most of the parts of a job as a ----------. It does not list everything and does not go into much detail, but it does give the basics. Career One Stop is current with a copyright date of 2010. The site is also authoritative. Its’ web domain consists of .org which is for a professional association or organization
Example 3 : The page gives a brief overview of what skills area important to become a nurse and the description of them. It gives profiles and lists of ways to gain other information about the field you are interested in and what online schools you could attend. The objectivity is skewed because it is trying to inform you of the importance but while reading you are too busy paying attention to the flashing pop ups for online colleges. The page is up to date to ensure current information but the information is in list which makes it easy to interpret.
12. World’s longest paragraphs: I saw an awful lot of these. Don not be afraid to cut things up into 2 or 3 paragraphs. It will really help you organize what you are writing.
Example 1: Duties and Tasks are the most important part of being a --------------------------------------------are xare not performed to rigorous measures CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC could end up sick or even dead. These procedures must be done with precision to ensure safety and correct diagnosis. Your duties and tasks will consist of the unpleasant things like changing bed linens that have be----------------------------------------ns. Sometimes the responsibilities are easy such as taking pulse, rate, temperature and blood pressure (Occupational Outlook Handbook [BLS], 2010 ¶2). They may also be more in depth, such as setting up equipment to helping the patient to get out of bed lab and escorting them to their examine or operating room. There are some things you may do that will prevent cross contamination such as clean and sterilize instruments and disposing of them, also you will collect blood for pregnancy testing, sugar level test and hemoglobin’s. There is the less gruesome side of the job such as recording the------ history. A medical history is crucial to the diagnosis and treatment of the patient, getting this key information will make a major difference. Helping with patient follow ups and rehabilitation is one of the skills you will perform the most. By helping with the scheduling of rehabilitation and follow up appointments you ensure a superior recovery for your patient. Most of the time you are the life line from the patient to the doctors. When the doctor in charge of your patient is too busy to be in the room every minute, you must keep him informed of any changes. These changes could be anything from heart rate to excessive blood loses.
13. Sentence fragments: Read these sentence and then rewrite as a complete sentence: a) The ability to answer questions, give advice. b) Deal with emotionally charged situations but also the love to work in teams.
14. Any citation you use has to make sense in what you are writing about. Don’t just stick it in the essay all by its lonesome. Read the following.
“Problem solving is when you evaluate models for research. You will determine how a model can expedite problem solving which depends on filling an information need though an effective research strategy.” It will be important to me in my career., because it will help me to solve other important things that goes alone (?) with the job.________________________________
Write a sentence that will connect these.
15. Details. Details. Details, and giving examples.
I chose a sense of quality because you have to provide your customer with the best service you can. The customer needs to feel that you take pride in the work you are providing for them. Since I want to work out of my home I need to definitely focus on quality. Not only do I have to provide quality work. Rewrite this using your own details.
Now add an actual example: _____________________________________________________________________________