Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19 AGENDA

1.      Student Classroom Evaluation Thingy
2.      Hand back quizzes, papers, and anything else I have.
3.      Go over glossary homework/check for a grade.
4.      “Progress reports”
5.      There are five hand outs for today’s class:

       Checklist for the Process Essay and for the Portfolio in COMM150
Format for the Process Essay and for the Portfolio in COMM150
Assessment for the Process Essay and for the Portfolio in COMM150
Assessment blank for the Process Essay and for the Portfolio in COMM150
Grammar for the Process Essay and for the Portfolio in COMM150

We will go through them and then work on essays for the rest of the class.
Breaks are on your own, and no, you can’t leave early.

6.      In the final hardcopy Portfolio go:
a.       all three of your essays, Smartthinking, and the corrections you made after Smartthinking. Also your final, perfectly typed gorgeous version of each. (Remember, the PROCESS essay won’t have correction or Smartthinking- it gets handed in AS IS.)
b.      Your personal assessment form.

7.      Everything is due at the END of next class. No Ifs, ANDs, or BUTS.