Tuesday, May 18, 2010


(1) Function in a Windows operating system environment, including the use of GUI’s, peripheral devices, email and basic word processing;

(2) Effectively use public access catalogs (OPACs), bibliographies, and full-text and bibliographic databases;

(3) Develop and refine search techniques for electronic, print, and Internet resources;

(4) Identify different information formats and then choose the most appropriate format(s) for each research need:

(5) Demonstrate an awareness of political, social, legal, economic, and intellectual property issues relevant to print and electronic resources and successfully avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement;

(6) Evaluate information for reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and point of view;

(7) Cite bibliographic references correctly in proper style (APA) and construct bibliographies and works cited in research papers and assignments;

(8) Investigate personal and professional interests, strengths and skills;

(9) Perform research on career development and lifelong learning opportunities;

(10) Complete a written career related research project; and

(11) Present research findings on career development and lifelong learning through discussion and other oral presentation formats.