Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The 'Narrative Essay Hand-Out' (filled-in version)

Our narrative essay Prompt (what we are going to be writing about) is written below. I just broke down the Prompt (question) into a thesis and three big questions.

Thesis: Identify two possible career specializations.

1. Explain how your interest in the positions developed, and why you consider those jobs to be important.
2. Explain why at least two of the nine workplace competencies (presented in class and in the handouts) are especially desirable in the two specializations.
SKIP THIS PART• Cite with APA References and in-text a minimum of two articles about relevant workplace competencies from trade or peer-reviewed articles in the Virtual Library or in the physical library.
3. Explain how an author’s discussion of a competency might be applied to your career. Read what the author wrote 4 each of the competencies you chose. Explain how that definition can be applied to your career.


Filled in, it looks like this:

Thesis: (What am I going to say/prove in this essay)Identify two possible career specializations.
Main Idea 1: Explain how your interest in the positions developed, and why you consider those jobs to be important.
Main Idea 2: Explain why at least two of the nine workplace competencies…
Main Idea 3: Explain how an author’s discussion of a competency...
Conclusion: __________which we haven’t gotten to yet, so DON’T do it.


using your own career choices, fill this in on your own for the next step, the interactive essay:

Main Idea 1:__________________________________________
Main Idea 2:__________________________________________
Main Idea 3:__________________________________________