Monday, May 17, 2010

May 12 Agenda

1. Sign in for Attendance
2. Discuss and establish Class Rules*
3. Log in to BS Website
4. Log in to Virtual Library
5. Review Campus Links page, G drive
6. Overview of Course/ Review Supplemental Syllabus/ Course Outcomes/ Signed Student Acknowledgement
7. Texts- to be assigned
8. Calendar- will be available next class and online.
9. Log in and 'follow' COMM150DASILVA Blogspot/ class page
10. Write one paragraph: What are my goals ( career, life) and how to I intend to reach them?
11. Take diagnostic ( ungraded) assessment
12. Class Discussion/Powerpoint: "Evaluating Resources, and Websites"- first half
13. navigate/overview links:
-Smarthinking LOGON
-Orientation: Virginia Beach Campus
-APA Resources
-library resources link

*1. Be on time. (traffic, childcare issues are acceptable)
2. Be prepared
3. Treat others as you would like to be treated, listen respectfully to others during class time.
4. Phones in class on vibrate
5. Food/drinks taken on break, please
6. No texting during class.
7. We are preparing ourselves for our careers, we will treat the classroom as if it is a professional workplace.
For next class:
Bring corrected assessment ready to discuss.