Four NETS for Better Searching
The perfect page is out there somewhere. It's the page that has exactly the information you're looking for. If only you had a super-sized net for capturing it. Now you do.
Most people use a search engine by simply typing a few words into the query box and then scrolling through whatever comes up. Sometimes their choice of words ends up narrowing the search which causes them not to find what they're looking for. Usually the search is a pile of off-target web pages that must be dug through. You can do better than that, and that's what this page is about.
The most comprehensive engine out there at the moment seems to be Google, (yes, I know you like Mozilla, but bear with me.) Google is what we'll focus on.
1. The first step is to go to Google's Advanced Search form located at
2. Bookmark it! Drag the bookmark to your browser's toolbar so that it's always available.
1. If you use the four techniques described below, you'll be a much better searcher than 90% of all web-users. It's just four things. Click on each of the steps below at the link at the bottom.